Haynes Repair Manual Carisma
You could not ask for a better book that explains how a gmc sierra works or how to fix/repair it except for the one thing that i needed it for. During a recent 'professional' detailing job, the center console cover was damaged. The spring that keeps the cover in place in a vertical position was damaged. I looked into the dealer replacement and it was over $600, so i bought this book thinking it would give me steps/tips on replacing eh console cover, but no luck, every other item is illustrated as replaceable except the console cover, go fire. Otherwise a great book.
Haynes Repair Manual
This book has really been a asset to me it has not only walked me thru the repair that i needed to do to my truck but it has tought me things that i did not know about my truck also, and i have been able to do the repairs my self and that has already saved me a lot of money and the aggrevation of having to look for, get, and asking my self are they really tell me the truth a mechanic about what needs to be done to my truck and this book has now turned me in to a mechanic Now how good is that. I was so happy to find this on here, I have always used Haynes manuals when I need to do repairs, if you know how to use tools, this manual will help you save thousands by not having to pay a maintenance shop. Haynes did not disappoint with this manual, it has been more than 15 years since I worked on a Toyota, and their manual has easy to read step by step guide to replace brakes, engines and even the radio! This manual also gives troubleshooting tips, required maintenance schedules and my personal favorite, wiring diagrams!!
Haynes Repair Manual Download
You could not ask for a better book that explains how a gmc sierra works or how to fix/repair it except for the one thing that i needed it for. During a recent 'professional' detailing job, the center console cover was damaged. The spring that keeps the cover in place in a vertical position was damaged. I looked into the dealer replacement and it was over $600, so i bought this book thinking it would give me steps/tips on replacing eh console cover, but no luck, every other item is illustrated as replaceable except the console cover, go fire.
Chilton Repair Manual
Otherwise a great book. This book has really been a asset to me it has not only walked me thru the repair that i needed to do to my truck but it has tought me things that i did not know about my truck also, and i have been able to do the repairs my self and that has already saved me a lot of money and the aggrevation of having to look for, get, and asking my self are they really tell me the truth a mechanic about what needs to be done to my truck and this book has now turned me in to a mechanic Now how good is that. I was so happy to find this on here, I have always used Haynes manuals when I need to do repairs, if you know how to use tools, this manual will help you save thousands by not having to pay a maintenance shop. Haynes did not disappoint with this manual, it has been more than 15 years since I worked on a Toyota, and their manual has easy to read step by step guide to replace brakes, engines and even the radio! This manual also gives troubleshooting tips, required maintenance schedules and my personal favorite, wiring diagrams!!