Notifier Am 6000 Programming Manual
4 loop modular fire detection control panel for the management of addressable type systems, expandible through 4 loop modules, equipped with own microprocessor, up to 16 loops. Each loop allows the connection of 99 detectors and 99 modules.
The control panel allows to manage separate gas detection system, thanks to a special interface module, the display must be on a separate remote terminal for technical alarms only. Output sounder controlled, relay output for general alarm and fault.
Two serial outputs in standard version with two optional through additional card. Standard outputs for 24 terminals and PCs for download/upload programming. Optional outputs for Ethernet (TCP / IP) connection and USB output for PC or printer, or output for connection to RS232/485 NOTE-FIRE-NET. Graphic display with 16 rows by 40 columns. Programmable text 32 characters each point and 32 characters each zone. 150 geographical zones and 400 groups with logical operators (AND, OR, DEL, etc.).
999 events archive. Auto programming of the loop with double address recognition. Signal for maintenance requirements for the detectors. CPD Certificate according to EN 54 parts 2 and 4. Power supply 230VAC.
Standard Power Supply 4A. 1A at 24VDC auxiliary power. 2011 vw golf tdi owners manual pdf. 12VDC charging of two batteries 17Ah. Dimensions: 535mm x 435mm x 200mm.
Contents. Communication The NOTIFIER SIB 600 Modbus interface is required. The default connection parameters are: Modbus address: 1. 32 RS-485 parameters: Baud rate 9600 Data bits 8 Stop bit 1 Parity none Flow control none Refer to the Notifier manuals for installation, wiring and power supply requirements. Here's a screenshot of the manual: RS485 MODBUS port is on pin 5,6,7 It's mandatory to enable the SIB 600 module with UPLOAD PK 2000, PK4000 or PK6000.
Notifier Am 6000 Installation Manual
The MODBUS address must be assigned in the TCP/IP field. HSYCO Configuration Add a NOTIFIER I/O Server in the and set its parameters: Communication. Comm ID: select a MODBUSTCP I/O server if using a Modbus gateway, or the serial port id when using a direct RS-485 port with HSYCO acting as Modbus RTU master.
High Availability. Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false. Options ID Default Values Description address 1 1. 32 the panel’s Modbus address gui true true enable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands false disable UI support startupevents false true generate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase false start generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system pollinterval 1 0 set to the highest zone number configured in the panel. Set to 0 to disable zone status polling and control commands lastzone 150 0.
150 set to the highest zone number configured in the panel. Set to 0 to disable zone status polling and control commands loglines 100 ≥ 0 if GUI support is enabled, set to the maximum number of lines to show in the log text object. Set to 0 to disable the GUI log protocolversion 2 1 set this option to 1 only if the panel is using the old firmware 2 default protocol support for panels with new firmware (N models) Datapoints Data points marked with (N) are not available with older firmware versions. Data points marked with (O) are only available with older firmware versions. ID Value R/W Description connection online R connection established offline R HSYCO can't connect to the panel annunciator.offline (N) 1 R annunciator.
Offline 0 R annunciator. Online annunciator.fault (N) 1 R annunciator.fault 0 R annunciator. No fault annunciator.cfg.error (N) 1 R annunciator. Configuration error 0 R annunciator. Configured annunciator.offline (O) 1 R annunciator offline 0 R annunciator online annunciator.fault (O) 1 R annunciator fault 0 R annunciator no fault detected.annunciators R space separated list of detected annunciators detected.lcds R space separated list of detected LCDs detected.modules.
R space separated list of detected modules on loop detected.loops R space separated list of detected loops detected.sensors.