Osha 30 Card Study Guide
OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Online Training This Online OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Outreach Training Course is designed for any employee or worker in a non-Construction industry that has a requirement to manage or supervise safety issues at their employment. The course covers content in compliance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910. WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? The OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Online Training Course is designed for employees, foremen, job supervisors, safety officers and anyone involved in general industry operations that are not related to construction. These include areas such as manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, universities, schools and other related fields.
For supervisory-level courses in the Construction industry, consider taking the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Online Course. OSHA recommends safety training courses as an orientation to occupational safety and health at all businesses and location. The OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Online Training Course presents material that educates managerial and supervisory- level safety professionals regarding the role of every-day safety.
The course emphasizes identification and prevention of safety hazards and potential risks. The OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Online Training Course is comprehensive in its scope.
It provides a broad based instruction on safety management for non-construction environments. The student will be expected to have a basic understanding of the OSH Act and the functions and resources of OSHA. They will learn to become aware of the OSHA inspection process and understand it’s focussed priorities. The participant will also learn basics in several major hazardous areas such as environmental safety, footing, fire protection and electrical dangers. Introductions to protective equipment, chemical and material safety are also covered. At the end of the course, the participant will be given a comprehensive exam covering the entire course.
Upon successful passing of this test you will earn 30 credit hours for the course and receive an interim card as proof of your completion. As with all outreach training classes, the OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Online Training Course is broken down into several modular sections. These are outlined in the FREE study guide that you will download with the course.
You will review with the instructor the content of each section, then take a short quiz on that content. You must pass the quiz in that section to move on to the next. Once all sections are completed, you will be required to take a Final Exam over the whole course. In order to receive your proof of completion, you must score a 70% on the Final Exam.
You will have three (3) chances to take the Final Exam and may use your study guide. Enrolling in the OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Online training course has numerous benefits. The course complies with the guidelines stated in 29 CFR 1910 and thus is OSHA accepted in all 50 states. Under the provisions of the course, you are allowed a maximum of 7.5 hours of online study per day. This allows you to complete your course in as little as four (4) days, if you so desire. However, to accommodate your schedule, you have a full six (6) months to complete the course. You may log into your course from multiple computers and/or locations.
A FREE PDF study guide is available to download and print to use with the narrated class. After completing all coursework, you will receive a Department of Labor Wallet Card. If you need to set up a or desire information on, please contact us at 1-866-442-6742. We also have safety trainers available to visit your work site to provide the OSHA 10 Hour Construction Training face to face They can also provide customized presentations on requested topics. Please inquire about these services by at the number above.
Our Outreach Training Courses are powered by 360Training.com An OSHA-Accepted Provider Customer Support: 1-800-442-1149 Email Outreach Instructor Matt Luman at OSHAtrainer@360training.com All Outreach Courses result in their respective DOL OSHA Wallet Card.
The plastic cards will become available starting March 1, 2016, but will be phased in over time. OSHA does not maintain student records for training conducted by other organizations or by authorized Outreach trainers. Trainers request cards from their (ATO) ATOs have discretion for when they will switch from paper cards to plastic cards. If you are concerned, please ask your trainer to clarify with their ATO as to whether the plastic cards will be available for your class. If you do receive a paper card, it is possible to obtain a replacement card later, but there will be a nominal fee determined by the ATO. In order to obtain transcripts or copies of course completion documents such as student course completion cards, you must contact the original training provider. Please note that replacement student course completion cards for OSHA Outreach Training Program classes cannot be issued for training completed more than five years ago.
Only one replacement card may be issued per student per class (Outreach Training Program Requirements section VII.E.(2)). It is possible to obtain a replacement card later, but there will be a nominal fee determined by the (ATO). OSHA does not maintain student records for training conducted by other organizations or by authorized Outreach trainers. In order to obtain transcripts or copies of course completion documents such as student course completion cards, you must contact the original training provider. Please note that replacement student course completion cards for OSHA Outreach Training Program classes cannot be issued for training completed more than five years ago. Only one replacement card may be issued per student per class (Outreach Training Program Requirements section VII.E.(2)).
Before requesting a replacement, please ask your trainer to clarify with their ATO as to current availability of the new cards. The new cards will be phased in as trainers take update courses, and as new trainers become authorized (starting March 1, 2016). If a trainer wishes to exchange an existing paper card for a plastic card, the trainer should contact the (ATO) that issued the cards. Please note that authorizing training organizations may charge an administrative fee for issuing and/or replacing cards. Before requesting a replacement, please clarify with the ATO as to whether the plastic cards are available. General Information. OSHA-authorized trainers issue student course completion cards to individuals that successfully complete an OSHA Outreach Training Program class.
The Outreach Training Program offers 10-hour or 30-hour classes for Construction, General industry, Maritime, and a 15-hour class for Disaster Site Worker. In order to obtain an OSHA card, an individual must attend and successfully complete the entire class, including all requisite topics and the minimum number of contact hours. Please note that an OSHA card is not considered a certification or license.
The 10-hour outreach courses provide basic awareness training on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of workplace hazards. The course also provides information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and filing a complaint. The 30-hour outreach courses provide a greater depth and variety of training on an expanded list of topics associated with workplace hazards in each industry. OSHA provides authorized trainers procedures for each industry program on the topic outlines for each industry. OSHA authorized outreach trainers are not OSHA personnel. Trainers are authorized (not certified) through this program to deliver Outreach training classes.
Trainers are independent service providers and their schedules and fees may vary. OSHA recommends contacting multiple trainers to find one that best meets the student's needs. This includes questioning trainers about their accommodations for students with a learning disability.
Students may verify the status of an authorized outreach trainer. All trainers should possess a trainer card which includes an expiration date along with the name of the authorizing OTI Education Center. Students interested in attending an Outreach Training Program class should request to see a prospective trainer's current Authorized Trainer card in order to verify the trainer's status. This should be done prior to selecting a trainer. Authorized Trainer cards will contain the trainer's name and authorization expiration date on the front of the card.
The card will also list the Authorizing Training Organization (ATO) which authorized the trainer to deliver Outreach classes. Students may contact the ATO if there are any questions regarding the trainer's status.
Outreach trainers must provide proof of their current training authorization on request. An individual who completes an OSHA outreach trainer course is provided an OSHA authorized trainer card. This card indicates the expiration date of the trainer's authorization.
If the authorized trainer who issued the OSHA Outreach student course completion card wishes to verify the authenticity of their own authorized trainer status, the trainer can provide their OSHA trainer card, which will include the name and phone number of the authorizing training organization. The authorizing training organization can verify the status of the trainer. Please note that in most cases, the authorizing training organization is an OSHA Training Institute Education Center. Write to or call the outreach fraud hotline at 847-297-4810 to file complaints about program fraud and abuse.
Provide all pertinent information, including the trainer's name, the date of training, the location of the training, the type of training (Construction, General Industry, Maritime, Disaster Site Worker), and whether it was to cover 10 or 30 hours. Include any other relevant information including your name and contact information. Please note that OSHA will maintain the confidentiality of the person providing the information. OSHA authorizes trainers to conduct occupational safety and health training through the OSHA Outreach Training Program. Through this program, individuals who complete a one-week OSHA trainer course receive a certificate of completion and an authorized outreach trainer card. Trainer courses are based on one of the following subject areas: disaster site workers (second responders), construction, general industry, or maritime. Upon successful completion of the trainer course, trainers are authorized to teach students courses based on the trainer course subject area.
These include two-day courses for disaster site workers (second responders), as well as 10-hour and 30-hour courses in construction, general industry, or maritime safety and health hazards. Authorized trainers can receive OSHA course completion cards for their students. The OSHA Outreach Training Program is voluntary. OSHA does not require participation in this program. To become an authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer, you must complete a required OSHA trainer course and complete/meet the necessary prerequisite requirements:.
For Construction Industry: OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction. Prerequisites are: five (5) years of construction safety experience (a college degree in occupational safety and health, a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), or Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) designation, in the applicable training area may be substituted for two years of experience) and completion of OSHA #510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry. For General Industry: OSHA #501 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for General Industry.
Prerequisites are: five years of general industry safety experience (a college degree in occupational safety and health, a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), or Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) designation, in the applicable training area may be substituted for two years of experience) and completion of OSHA #511, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry. For Maritime Industry: Course #5400 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for the Maritime Industry. The prerequisites for Course #5400 are as follows: Three years maritime industry experience and at least one of the following: Two years of occupational safety and health experience (with a broad focus) in any industry; a degree in occupational safety and health from an accredited college or university; or certification as an Associate Safety Professional (ASP), Certified Safety Professional (CSP) designation; Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH); designation; Certified Marine Chemist (CMC) designation; or Certified Safety Health Manager (CSHM) designation.
For Disaster Site Workers: Course #5600 Disaster Site Worker Train-the-Trainer Course. The prerequisites for Course #5600 are as follows: OSHA Course #500 or #501, three years safety training experience and completion of the 40-hour HAZWOPER training. The OSHA courses listed above are only offered by authorized OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers located throughout the United States. For a complete list of all the OTI Education Centers and their approved courses, please visit the page. Although testing is not required by OSHA, trainers have the option of administering a test to evaluate learning. It is at the discretion of the trainer to determine whether or not a student has successfully completed the class. Because OSHA does not require testing in these classes, the agency has not issued specific requirements for trainers regarding tests being administered orally as opposed to written tests.
For this reason, it is recommended that students discuss any accommodation needs related to their learning environments prior to selecting a trainer. This includes questioning trainers about their accommodations for students with a learning disability.
Online Outreach Training Program classes are offered by independent training providers. If you have technical issues or customer service concerns related to your online Outreach Training Program classes, you should contact the online training provider directly to resolve the matter. The current list of OSHA-accepted online 10- and 30-hour Outreach Training Programs is available at:. If the online training provider is unable to resolve the matter, you may forward your concern to OSHA by email at:. Please provide specific information regarding the issue and include all relevant communication between you and the online training provider.
Replace Lost Osha 30 Card
Please note that Outreach Training Program trainers are required to issue student course completion cards directly to the student within 90 days of class completion. If you completed an Outreach Training Program 10- or 30-hour class and did not receive your completion card within 90 days, contact your Outreach trainer. Worker Information.
Individuals that successfully complete an OSHA Outreach Training Program class receive a student course completion card. Please note that there is no program requirement for trainers to issue any other form of course completion documentation. Outreach trainers are encouraged to provide training certificates to students at the end of the training class to help students provide verification that they completed the training prior to receiving their student course completion card. Acceptance of a training certificate instead of a student course completion card is at the discretion of the employer or job site. Although the program is voluntary, some States, employers, unions, and other jurisdictions require this training to fulfill their safety training goals. Check with the relevant organization, employer or work site to determine if a course completion certificate in lieu of a course completion card fulfills their training requirement.
Outreach trainers are required to issue student course completion cards directly to the student within 90 days of course completion, regardless of who paid for the training. If you have not received your card within the 90-day period, contact your trainer immediately. If your trainer does not provide the card as requested, notify the Outreach Training Program by email.
Osha 30 Card Replacement
Please be sure to include all relevant information such as student name, trainer name, training location and date, type of class, and actions taken to contact the trainer. The student course completion cards in Construction, General Industry, and Disaster Site do not have an expiration date. The form and content of additional training is left to the discretion of the student and/or employer. The student cards provided in the Maritime Outreach Training Program expire five years after the training.
To retain a valid 10- or 30-hour Maritime Industry card, students are required to complete additional training. The Outreach Training Program is intended as an orientation to Occupational Safety and Health. Workers must receive additional training on specific hazards of their job. Trainer Information. Authorized Outreach trainers can obtain training materials from various sources and develop their own material to support the classes they conduct.
Trainers generally receive training materials from their Authorizing Training Organization (OTI Education Center) during their trainer course. OSHA provides some required Outreach Training Program curriculum such as Introduction to OSHA and Focus Four on its Outreach Training Program Web page. Outreach trainers may also reference other safety and health training resources on the OSHA Web site at:.
Outreach trainers are authorized for four years from the date that the trainer course is completed. To maintain authorization status, a trainer must successfully complete an update course every four years. OSHA allows trainers a 90-day grace period from the four-year expiration date to successfully complete the update class. The 90-day grace period is designed to allow for unexpected circumstances like course cancellations, illness, and other unavoidable obligations. During the grace period, the trainer is unable to conduct Outreach training and receive student course completion cards. Please note that extensions to the grace period will not be granted.
If the trainer does not successfully complete the update class within the specified time frame, the trainer must meet associated prerequisites and retake the full trainer course in order to reinstate authorization status. OSHA training programs are intended for workers within the agency's geographic jurisdiction. These locations include the 50 U.S. States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Wake Island, Outer Continental Shelf Lands defined in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, and Johnston Island. For this reason, OSHA Outreach Training Program classes must be limited to training conducted within OSHA's geographic jurisdiction.
Although trainers may provide safety and health training to workers outside the OSHA's geographic jurisdiction, it must be done outside of the Outreach Training Program and without OSHA's involvement. OSHA encourages international trainers to consider alternatives for conducting occupational safety and health training that adds value for workers. In this manner, trainers will be able to select and provide the specific safety and health training needed by their target audience, and personally control and manage the program. This will allow trainers to integrate and brand their vision of safety and health which may serve as a model for safety and health training that others may choose to replicate.
Under such a plan, trainers may design and issue their own certificates, cards, badges, stickers, etc. As long as they do not indicate that the program is supported by OSHA or is a part of the OSHA Outreach Training Program. OSHA will only consider exception requests for training outside the agency's geographic jurisdiction for training provided on a contract basis for a specific organization and only its employees. The contracting organization is the party who has a legal binding contract with the trainer.
The OSHA Outreach Training Program Requirements contain the specific process for obtaining OSHA approval for training outside OSHA jurisdiction. The Outreach trainer must submit a written request for exception to OSHA at least 60 days in advance of the scheduled training. OSHA Outreach Training Program classes delivered outside of OSHA's jurisdiction to members of the U.S.
Military are permissible and these personnel are eligible to receive student course completion cards. In these cases, authorized outreach trainers do not have to request an exception from OSHA, but they must ensure their authorizing training organization is aware that the persons trained are members of the U.S.
Department of Defense civilian personnel can also be trained without an exception. However, contractors for the U.S.
Military cannot be trained without prior approval from OSHA. OSHA does not issue waivers for the trainer course prerequisites. The prerequisites contain separate requirements for experience and training. Experience is not considered a substitute for the training prerequisite. If you believe that your previous training was equivalent to the OSHA standards course required for the industry, you may send a written request for a training equivalency evaluation.
You will be required to submit documentation to substantiate your training and curriculum. Written requests for training equivalency evaluation may be sent to: Director OSHA Office of Training Programs and Administration 2020 S. Arlington Heights Rd. Arlington Heights, IL. Yes, trainers may do this under the following conditions: the same trainer must conduct all of the training, all the training must be completed (from the start of the 10-hour class, to the end of the 30-hour class) within six months, and the student must return the 10-hour card to the trainer, who must then return the 10-hour card to the issuing Authorizing Training Organization (ATO) in order to receive the 30-hour card. Please note that the purpose of surrendering the 10-hour card is to accurately reflect the level of training a student has received. Simultaneous possession of both a 10- and 30-hour card may inaccurately imply that the student has received a total of 40 hours of training.
For this reason, the trainer is required to collect the original 10-hour card from the student and return it to the issuing ATO along with a new Outreach Training Program Report to be issued a 30-hour course completion card. Thank You for Visiting Our Website You are exiting the Department of Labor's Web server. The Department of Labor does not endorse, takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over the linked organization or its views, or contents, nor does it vouch for the accuracy or accessibility of the information contained on the destination server. The Department of Labor also cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked Web sites.
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