74 C10 Manuals

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  1. 74 C10 Heater Removal
  2. 74 C10 Chevy Pickup
  3. 74 C10 Streening Wheels

Chevy Factory Service Manuals Online This site provides a detailed review of the ALLDATA DIY product which is an affordable DIY version of the same professional technical data that over 70,000 independent repair shops and dealers use every day. Only ALLDATA DIY provides instant online access to the complete Chevy C10 Pickup factory service manual with manufacturer specifications, diagrams, step-by-step procedures, OEM part numbers, technical service bulletins (TSB), factory recalls, component locations, and diagnostic codes all in one affordable package. They even show you how to change the light bulbs. Unlike some other products, nothing is left out, and there are no annoying upsells. Review Continues below.

74 C10 Manuals

Goyal brothers lab manual class. To get the most from your time here, as you scroll down the page we recommend you do these five steps:. Scan the feedback from ALLDATA DIY users on the right. Scroll down through the 'What's Under the Hood?' Section to see a detailed overview of what you get with an ALLDATA DIY Chevy C10 Pickup online repair manual subscription. Kick the tires. As you scroll down, make sure you click on some of the little icons to see some screen shots.

Take it for a spin. Check out the live demo and use it to look up your specific problem on the sample vehicle so you know about what you can expect to find for your vehicle. While you are there, go lookup all the Chevy C10 Pickup TSBs and Recalls (the list of titles is free to anyone, but the details are inside the manuals). ALLDATA is the only publisher I know that offers a money back satisfaction guarantee, and check this out: if you ever trade your Chevy C10 Pickup for a different vehicle during your subscription period you can switch your ALLDATA DIY subscription to the new vehicle for free. If you have been looking at other products, I promise you will not be disappointed when you see what ALLDATA is offering for less money. I believe ALLDATA DIY is the best product in its class, but it may not be what you are looking for.

So the best I can do is put it all on the table and make sure you have all the information to make an informed decision. I hope you enjoy visiting our site today, and that you find this information useful. Let us know what you think using the contact link to leave some feedback or ask a question. Best wishes and good luck. ALLDATA DIY Online Chevy C10 Pickup Shop Manual = What's Under the Hood? = The online auto repair manual by ALLDATA is organized to present all of the factory-supplied technical data in a familiar web site format which you know how to use with intuitive graphical icons and text links for rapid navigation to the Chevy C10 Pickup data you need.

Note: Mouseover the icons to see a screen shot thumbnail, click to enlarge. = Let's Go for a Test Drive = There is a live demo of the ALLDATA DIY product that you can preview for free in order to fully explore all of its capabilities and decide if it's right for you before you ever have to pull out your credit card. ALLDATA DIY maintains two sample vehicle demo subscriptions of their online repair manuals for people who want to get a good feel for what they contain.

These are the actual full DIY product not just some screen shots like I showed you above. One of these demo vehicles is usually a car, and the other is usually a truck.

They change them from time to time to keep it interesting (and if you happen to own one of the sample vehicles, then you just scored free unlimited access until they change it again. That's gotta be worth a peek, do you feel lucky?). © Copyright diyautomanuals.com ALLDATA and Autozone Trademarks are property of their respective owners.

The R4 will cool with R134a but not as well as the A6 that came on the 1974 or the later HT6 compressors GM used on the late 90's T400 chassis. The 1984 condenser will not mount in the stock 1974 location. As noted above the 1973 to probably 1980 mounted between the radiator support and the grille. I'd take some measurements and get a condenser that will cover the hole in the rad support fairly well. Hard lines from any aftermarket condenser will need to be fabbed to run to either stock passthroughs or new holes in the rad support. The parallel flow condenser will be more efficient. Mine will freeze me out of the 76 with a stock 1998 HT compressor on a 1998 6.5L diesel engine.

74 C10 Heater Removal

74 C10 Manuals

If you intend to use the R4 Radial compressor you'll need to be sure all the hard components (evaporator, hard lines, and condenser) are absolutely clear of ALL the old compressor oil. The R4 is not forgiving at all of any deficiencies in the charge level or any extra oil floating around in the system in hot climates like Austin, TX.

The 1974 had a Throttling Expansion Valve TXV on the evaporator not an orifice valve. What are you calling the Orifice? Did you get the 1984 evaporator and accumulator? You want to keep the mix N match to a minimum.

74 C10 Chevy Pickup

Flush the old oil out of the lines, evaporator, & condenser. Too much oil will insulate them and keep the ac from moving heat properly. Drain and refill the R4 compressor with ester oil from a new sealed can. Refrigerant oil is hygroscopic like brake fluid so opened and plastic cans are not a good idea. Ester oil will not get angry about any leftover mineral oil in the compressor. The service manuals have the compressor and total system oil fill volume. Don't overfill and don't underfill.

74 C10 Streening Wheels

The compressor will not hold the full oil charge for the system. You'll need an oil injector to finish the fill from whatever the compressor took to full. Sent from my SM-P605V using Tapatalk. EDIT. I would reccomend using oil with UV dye added.

It will allow you to track down any leaks that develop using a black light bulb.