Honda Cbx 250 Manual
Always make a pre-ride inspection before you start the engine. You may prevent an accident or equipment damage. 2 Many accidents involve inexperienced riders. Most countries require a special riding test or license. Make sure you are qualified before you ride. NEVER lend your motorcycle to an inexperienced rider.
3 Many car/motorcycle accidents happen because the car driver does not “ see the motorcyclist. Make yourself conspicuous to help avoid the accident that is not your fault:. Wear bright or reflective clothing. Don’t drive in another motorist’s “blind spot” 4 Obey all national, and local laws and regulations Excessive speed is a factor in many accidents. Obey the speed limits am NEVER travel faster than conditions warrant. Signal before you make a turn or lane change. Your size and manoeuvrability can surprise other motorists.5 Don’t let other motorists surprise you.
Use extra caution at intersections, parking entrances and exits and driveways. 6 Keep both hands on the handlebars and both feet on the footrests while riding. A passenger should hold onto the motorcycle or the rider with both hands, and keep both feet on the passenger footrests. PROTECTIVE APPAREL 1 Most motorcycle accidents fatalities are due to head impact. ALWAYS wear a helmet. You should also wear a face shield or goggles; boots, gloves, and protective clothing.
A passenger needs the same protection. The exhaust system becomes very hot during operation, and it remains hot after operation. Never touch any part of the hot exhaust system. Wear clothing that fully covers your legs.
3 Do not wear loose clothing which could catch on the control levers, footrests, or wheels. Hand brake lever The hand brake lever 1 is mounted on the handlebars on the right and actuates the front wheel brake. The adjusting screw A can be used to change the basic position of the hand brake lever (see “Maintenance”). 1 A Short circuit button The short circuit button 2 turns off the engine. When pressing this button, the ignition circuit is short-circuited.
2 Headlamp switch (XCF-W) In this model the headlamp is switched on with the pull switch 5. 5 Flasher switch The flasher switch is a separate unit and is mounted on the left portion of the handlebar. The wire harness is designed in a way that whenever you want to use your bike off-road, you can dismount the entire turn indicator system without affecting the function of the remaining electrical system. Flasher left Flasher right OPERATION INSTRUMENTS » ENGLISH 7 1 2 3 4 5 Starter button Pushing the red starter button 1 will actuate the E-starter. Emergency OFF switch (EXC-F Australia) The red emergency-OFF switch 2 is arranged adjacent to the throttle grip.
In this position, the E-starter is operational and the engine can be started. In this position, the E-starter and ignition circuits are interrupted.The E-starter cannot be actuated, and the engine will not start, not even if you attempt to start it with the kickstarter. Pushing the black starter button 3 will actuate the E-starter. Indicator lamps The green control lamp 4 flashes in the same rhythm as the flashing indicator when the indicator is working. The blue control lamp 5 lights up when the high beam is on. TEST All of the display segments briefly light up for the display function test. Electronic speedometer The display in the electronic speedometer is activated as soon as you press a button on the speedometer or an impulse is received from the wheel sensor.
The display lights up when the engine is running. The display is cleared if no button is pressed for 1 minute or no impulse is received from the wheel sensor. The button is used to change between display modes. The + and – buttons are used to control various functions Incoming search terms:.
Travelling with the Honda CBX 250 Twister: the return from Belo Horizonte - MG. Travelling with the Honda CBX 250 Twister: We left Belo Horizonte - MG early in the morning (at six o'clock), under rain.
Honda Cbx 250 Manual

We dressed the rain suits we brought with us before leaving my grandmother's flat. And we kept wearing those suits for all over the traject until we arrived in Goiania - GO.
Even when the weather got a little bit better within the Triangulo Mineiro area (relatively close to Catalao - GO) we decided to keep wearing the rain suits. Despite being uncomfortable on dry weather (that we faced by the last third of this trip), we wouldn't take the chance to undress them, and later on being forced to dress again. Due to the rain I wasn't able to get the shots I expected of this trip. Apart from that everything went smooth in our trip. Refuelling stop at Posto JK fuel station, close to Catalao - GO, when returning from BH, around 14:00 hs. Along the stretch of road between Catalao and Cristianopolis - GO we traveled under light rain.
In spite of that we arrived at home in Goiania - GO by 18:00 hs, after riding 885 km in twelve hours. The CBX 250 Twister 'behaved' wonderfully in this trip. An interesting fact noticed during this trip: when we were arriving in Goiania - GO, I perceived that the digital fuel indicator was showing the reserve position. Then I turn the fuel tap to reserve position and arrived at home safely. Next day, when going to the car wash the engine came to a halt, due to fuel shortage; I realized that despite being within the safe remaining amount of fuel, the gasoline wasn't flowing from the tank to the carburator.
Not even when inclining the bike sideways I couldn't make the fuel reach the engine in order to run again. The solution for this problem was to refuel the tank, and even in this way I had to push the bike in second gear to get it going again. Theresa, wearing her rain suit, at Posto JK petrol station - close to Catalao - GO. Making a conclusion: after having the calculations done I discovered my bike's fuel limit. From the nominal 16,5 litre I can effectively count on 13 litre.
From then on the fuel is not 'reached' by the carburation system in the low level reserve. Consequently, riding with pillion, you can safely expect in normal conditions to have an autonomy of 280 km. We can achieve that when riding between 100 and 120 km per hour, mostly at fifth or sixth gear. On the I refueled my bike after riding for 339,4 km in urban traffic (after doing the 3.000 km maintenance service), for my surprise my Honda CBX Twister spent only 12,4 litre of fuel; thus resulting in an average consumption of 27,37 km/litre in the city. On the 10/03/02 I refueled the bike again: this time I rode 334 km in urban traffic, with 12 litre of gasoline, resulting in an average of 27,9 km/litre. In the last three refuels in April 2002 I reached my initial target of 30 km/litre. I became happy to see that my 32 years of motorcycling gave me credentials to estimate correctly what this bike could achieve.
After that I observed that riding the Twister in mixed trajects - paved and unpaved roads - resulted in average of 30 km/litre for three consecutive times. Until the I hadn't gone to Caldas Novas - GO on my Twister. Early morning that date I woke up wanting to test my Twister in that traject (Goiania - Caldas Novas - Goiania).
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I decided to have a short stay there, just to meet some friends there, returning in the same day. Coincidently, at this date, I was completing my 32 years of motorcycling, then I drove with that wonderful sensation of thinking in all motorcycles I had those years. My 'little 50cc' bike came to my mind, as well the others; I then realized how much evolution I witnessed. The good sensations kept flowing as the Twister rolled softly along the pavement. I could perceive that the 6.000 km maintenance service definitely contributed to turn the bike much smoother than before.
As the owner's manual recommends, my friend Odilon did a careful disassembling of the bike's front and lubricated the components with high quality grease, on top of that he changed the oil filter and the engine oil, checked the valve set, and did other routine checks. My bike components from then on were completely adjusted, the engine was running smoothly and perfectly, and I was achieving the average of 30 km/litre that I had in mind when I bought the CBX 250 Twister. Riding the Honda CBX 250 Twister on unpaved roads: Surprisingly the Twister behaves very well on unpaved roads. You are able to keep the desired trajectory, with no need of constant corrections via the accelerator as we normally do when riding trail bikes on gravel roads. Diferently from the CBX 200 Strada, the Twister allow us a more comfortable ride without those inconvenient noises in the front suspension that the Strada produces when on unpaved roads.
I could confirm that many times, even on a Brachiaria grass pasture at my father's farm. Riding on a Brachiaria pasture. Vereda Farm in January 2002.
The low profile tyres, geared towards paved roads, don't disappoint us when riding on unpaved roads. Even on gravel roads they perform well. As they are wide and mounted on alloy wheels, their performance are quite impressive. The suspension (back and front) helps a lot to achieve that good performance. The all alloy swing arm is perfectly engineered and do its job efficiently. The well balanced frame with its perfect weight distribution helps a lot to achieve the overall good performance of this bike. Very small village of Santa Maria, in the Hidrolandia - GO area.
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I could check this even when carrying a pillion passenger, as I did when I took my brother with me to our father's farm. His weight is approximately 85 kg, and adding to my 58 kg we could have a good workload for my Twister. Some details regarding the Honda CBX 250 Twister maintenance:.
On the I had to change the headlight lamp due to a faulty lowlamp. This happened by the 12.100 km ridden. I consider that the lamp's durability wasn't good at all, despite being the lamp ON all the time.
From now on I will adopt a different strategy: I will ride at daylight in urban traffic with my highlamp ON, thus saving the lowlamp to be used normally at night. Exactly as I usually did with my Honda C 100 Dream.
In this way I will get the lamp to last longer.